Wish-list: Post-delivery addons

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about what tweaking I might want to do to my ship soon after I take delivery. I’d be very interested in thoughts from other owners-to-be. Owners: What did you put in… when… where… how much did it cost… would you do it again the same way? Is there anything you wish you’d done right away? NOT done?

My SR-20 will be a “C” configuration with Stormscope and 3-blade prop. Here’s my list of possibilities, in no particular order; I doubt I’d be doing it all… but I can dream.

Airplane cover

Oil sump/cyl. head heating (I’m in NJ)

Avionics cooling fan

Ext. Antenna connection for handheld radio

Change transponder from 320 -> 327

JPI EDM700 6cyl CHT/EGT FuelTotalizer or similar

… with display on Arnav?

Convert/exchange HSI Sandel?

NEXRAD wx overlay on Sandel if avail?

Autopilot altitude preselect if avail?


NEXRAD wx overlay on Sandel if avail?

Oops - NEXRAD wx overly on Arnav if avail…

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about what tweaking I might want to do to my ship soon after I take delivery. I’d be very interested in thoughts from other owners-to-be. Owners: What did you put in… when… where… how much did it cost… would you do it again the same way? Is there anything you wish you’d done right away? NOT done?

Ian gave me wise counsel, which is to spend some time flying it and then decide what it is you really need to add. There have been some folks that picked it up and immediately put it in the avionics shop for a few weeks (darned shame).

Having said that, after 40+ hours (in less than a month…) the top of my list is altitude preselect (an available add-on to the S-Tec 55.) If you do much IFR, it’s the one piece missing from the C model that gives it avionics to rival much larger aircraft (the way the Big Boys fly). GPSS is potentially interesting to me, though less so (on a coupled XC, twisting the course selector at each waypoint is about all there is to do).

Looks like altitude preselect will require installation creativity, as the unit looks slightly too large to squeeze in next to the flap switch.

I’ll likely add weather uplink and engine monitoring to the ARNAV upon such time as it is available.

I went off looking for yucky weather yesterday (as yucky as it gets in the central coast of CA) and got almost an hour of actual just for fun, including lousy vectors at one end and lots of rain and low vis at the other. It was a revelation to be motoring along on a/p in the soup, monitoring things while having time to update log books, peruse approach plates, change CDs, etc. I don’t think I would have tried this in my wheezing, non-automated, C172…

  1. Air conditioning! My SR22 will be making a lot of Bay Area - Palm Springs - San Diego runs . . . i.e., plenty of sunshine pouring in through those beautiful large Cirrus windows.

My American Bonanza Society magazine runs ads for a third party A/C supplier in Dallas called Keith Products. Anyone know if Cirrus has hit Keith’s radar?

  1. Skywatch, TCAD, etc.

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about what tweaking I might want to do to my ship soon after I take delivery. I’d be very interested in thoughts from other owners-to-be. Owners: What did you put in… when… where… how much did it cost… would you do it again the same way? Is there anything you wish you’d done right away? NOT done?

My SR-20 will be a “C” configuration with Stormscope and 3-blade prop. Here’s my list of possibilities, in no particular order; I doubt I’d be doing it all… but I can dream.

Airplane cover

Oil sump/cyl. head heating (I’m in NJ)

Avionics cooling fan

Ext. Antenna connection for handheld radio

Change transponder from 320 → 327

JPI EDM700 6cyl CHT/EGT FuelTotalizer or similar

… with display on Arnav?

Convert/exchange HSI Sandel?

NEXRAD wx overlay on Sandel if avail?

Autopilot altitude preselect if avail?


Mnay of you may have missed my earlier posting about the add-ons to #37.

I installed a Tannis heater which is attached to each of the six rocker covers and to the oil pan. With this I put on a pilot light so as not to wonder whether or not power was in the attaching cord. These same people make a snuggy blanket to envelop the entire cowl. I also have some plugs for the cowl which will lkeep the birds out in the summer and the heat in durnng the winter in Minnesota.

I have added the S-Tec GPSS roll steering converter and the switch is mounted next to the flap hnandle.

I have recently changed out the transponder to the new
armin 327 - it’s great.

I have mounted the S-Tec altitude preselect and the JPI 800 analyzer on the bolster in front of the pilot’s seat. Seems like a pretty good location. Just finally got the preselect to work and it’s really fun.

I chose the JPI 800 because RNAV has been promising the date on their screen for as long as I can rememeber, because it would probably cost ljust just as much for much less data and because I don’t want to clutter up the big screen.

Call if questions.

Gordy Lewis 952-941-3154

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about what tweaking I might want to do to my ship soon after I take delivery. I’d be very interested in thoughts from other owners-to-be. Owners: What did you put in… when… where… how much did it cost… would you do it again the same way? Is there anything you wish you’d done right away? NOT done?

My SR-20 will be a “C” configuration with Stormscope and 3-blade prop. Here’s my list of possibilities, in no particular order; I doubt I’d be doing it all… but I can dream.

Airplane cover

Oil sump/cyl. head heating (I’m in NJ)

Avionics cooling fan

Ext. Antenna connection for handheld radio

Change transponder from 320 → 327

JPI EDM700 6cyl CHT/EGT FuelTotalizer or similar

… with display on Arnav?

Convert/exchange HSI Sandel?

NEXRAD wx overlay on Sandel if avail?

Autopilot altitude preselect if avail?


I’ve been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about what tweaking I might want to do to my ship soon after I take delivery. I’d be very interested in thoughts from other owners-to-be. Owners: What did you put in… when… where… how much did it cost… would you do it again the same way? Is there anything you wish you’d done right away? NOT done?

My SR-20 will be a “C” configuration with Stormscope and 3-blade prop. Here’s my list of possibilities, in no particular order; I doubt I’d be doing it all… but I can dream.

Airplane cover

Oil sump/cyl. head heating (I’m in NJ)

Avionics cooling fan

Ext. Antenna connection for handheld radio

Change transponder from 320 → 327

JPI EDM700 6cyl CHT/EGT FuelTotalizer or similar

… with display on Arnav?

Convert/exchange HSI Sandel?

NEXRAD wx overlay on Sandel if avail?

Autopilot altitude preselect if avail?


I have the SR22 “B” promosed for November 2001. I have ordered the Stormscope option.

I agree on the aricraft cover and the antenna connection for handheld. I already have the Sandel and the Garmin 327.

Other wish list items: Shadin Digidata fuel/air data computer. This unit requires a 3 1/8" panel space. If there is space on the right side of the panel for it, it would be a great item to have. It will interface with the Garmin 430 and compute winds aloft, endurance to destination, and much more. If there is no panel space available, Shadin has two other fuel/air data computers that don’t require panel space. One is the ADC200 which is the same unit as the Digidata without the display, and the other is the ADC2000 which has the ability to take barometric pressure setting from an altimeter that has the ability to send the pressure setting date to it. This would require changing the altimeter to a King KEA130A unit, but would eleminate the need to imput barometric pressure on the Garmin screen.

Also, a backup attitude indicator. There is a unit made by Aerosonic that fits a 2 1/4" hole. If the Davtron clock, OAT and voltmeter unit were moved to the right panel, a backup attitude indicator could be put in it’s place.

Another possibility is TCAS. There is a Ryan unit, a 9900B that will interface nicely with the Garmin. It does not require any panel space. Garmin has an additional “traffic/weather” page that appears on the 430 when the Stormscope or Ryan units are installed.

The Sandel currently has an interface for the Stormscope. They do not have an interface for the Ryan unit as yet, but they are looking at the possibility. Traffic data on the EHSI would be a great option, in addition to the strike rate and weather data that is currently displayed.

As far as I can determine, the extent to which the Arnav can display the data from Stormscope, Ryan TCAS, the Shadin fuel/air data computers, or engine date (CHT and EGT indivdually, oil temp, oil pressure, etc.) is unknown. Does anyone have information on what Arnav will display?


I have the covers. Ordered them from Bruce covers in Sunnyval Ca (800) 777 6405. Covers+embrodered reg#+engine plugs(2)+shipping came to $430 and change. The quality is excellent and in tune with the SR20…

I am pondering and mulling about other field installable options, like GPSS for the A/P.



.>I’ve been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about what tweaking I might want to do to my ship soon after I take delivery. I’d be very interested in thoughts from other owners-to-be. Owners: What did you put in… when… where… how much did it cost… would you do it again the same way? Is there anything you wish you’d done right away? NOT done?

My SR-20 will be a “C” configuration with Stormscope and 3-blade prop. Here’s my list of possibilities, in no particular order; I doubt I’d be doing it all… but I can dream.

Airplane cover

Oil sump/cyl. head heating (I’m in NJ)

Avionics cooling fan

Ext. Antenna connection for handheld radio

Change transponder from 320 → 327

JPI EDM700 6cyl CHT/EGT FuelTotalizer or similar

… with display on Arnav?

Convert/exchange HSI Sandel?

NEXRAD wx overlay on Sandel if avail?

Autopilot altitude preselect if avail?


Ian gave me wise counsel, which is to spend some time flying it and then decide what it is you really need to add.

Thanks, Dave – that’s the sort of wisdom and common sense I needed to hear. I’ve been urged to add the engine heater while the engine is still nice and clean, but considering that I’ll likely be picking up my airplane in Spring (well, everywhere but in Duluth), it probably makes sense to wait even for that. What the heck - I’ll clean the engine when the time comes.

Looks like altitude preselect will require installation creativity, as the unit looks slightly too large to squeeze in next to the flap switch.

I’d be very interested in any creative solutions you think of. Is there a URL I can go to and see what the unit looks like?

I went off looking for yucky weather yesterday (as yucky as it gets in the central coast of CA

… You know how to hurt a Jersey guy. What a strange concept… LOOKING for yucky weather! Sounds like you had fun, anyway.

Thanks again for the input.


One delightful note – the '22 appears to have both.

Having said that, after 40+ hours (in less than a month…) the top of my list is altitude preselect (an available add-on to the S-Tec 55.) If you do much IFR, it’s the one piece missing from the C model that gives it avionics to rival much larger aircraft (the way the Big Boys fly). GPSS is potentially interesting to me, though less so (on a coupled XC, twisting the course selector at each waypoint is about all there is to do).

Thanks, Dave – that’s the sort of wisdom and common sense I needed to hear. I’ve been urged to add the engine heater while the engine is still nice and clean, but considering that I’ll likely be picking up my airplane in Spring (well, everywhere but in Duluth), it probably makes sense to wait even for that. What the heck - I’ll clean the engine when the time comes.

I think it’ll stay clean under there for quite awhile, assuming that the oil is changed carefully and you’re careful not to drip from the dipstick.

I’d be very interested in any creative solutions you think of. Is there a URL I can go to and see what the unit looks like?

The S-Tec website (www.s-tec.com) has a teeny picture of it. I saw one at AOPA and got the length and width the scientific way (a couple of pen marks on the edge of a flyer). If it were a 1/2" smaller in width it would be fine.

A responder in this forum described installing both GPSS (on the flap switch panel) and altitude preselect (through the bolster in front of the pilot), worth digging for.

I went off looking for yucky weather yesterday (as yucky as it gets in the central coast of CA

… You know how to hurt a Jersey guy. What a strange concept… LOOKING for yucky weather! Sounds like you had fun, anyway.

Here on the central coast, IMC is typically experienced on the way up and down through the 500’ thick coastal stratus (“I touched a cloud! Log another .1!”) A day with drizzly stratus up to 7000’ and reasonably high ceilings is a pretty rare opportunity to log some actual, though it seems a little like cheating when the S-Tec is doing the hard work.

As far as I can determine, the extent to which the Arnav can display the data from Stormscope, Ryan TCAS, the Shadin fuel/air data computers, or engine date (CHT and EGT indivdually, oil temp, oil pressure, etc.) is unknown.

The Arnav will display the Stormscope data, not sure about the TCAS, but does not do any engine monitoring at present. They were supposed to be working on completing this in October, but I wouldn’t suggest holding your breath.

I have the SR22 “B” promosed for November 2001. I have ordered the Stormscope option.

I agree on the aricraft cover and the antenna connection for handheld. I already have the Sandel and the Garmin 327.

How did you secure the Sandel EHSI on your upcoming SR20B?? I thought the only HSI available on the SR20 is the mechanical one that comes with the C package?

As far as I can determine, the extent to which the Arnav can display the data from Stormscope, Ryan TCAS, the Shadin fuel/air data computers, or engine date (CHT and EGT indivdually, oil temp, oil pressure, etc.) is unknown.

The Arnav will display the Stormscope data, not sure about the TCAS, but does not do any engine monitoring at present. They were supposed to be working on completing this in October, but I wouldn’t suggest holding your breath.

I asked some time ago about TCAD display on the Arnav and was told that yes, it was something they’d like to do, but it would come after the engine monitoring stuff was there. (This was some time ago that I was told this). Given the time it’s taken for the engine monitoring support, I suspect it will be quite a while before the TCAD display interfaces with the Arnav.

I was planning to add a TCAD and probably interface it to one of the Garmin displays for now, and hope that if/when Arnav supported it, it would be a fairly simple matter to change the display to there.



Boat anchor… that’s the way I see it.

Such a nice area for display of all kinds of things.

I think we need to pool our efforts and tell Cirrus to just make this a large glove box.

It would be different if ARNAV or Cirrus were trying to get it’s full use out of this unit.

We all have been down the road before. If nothing is said, nothing gets done.

Cirrus, get something done NOW or just except the mistake, take the loss, and get something else in that black hole. Everything outside of the big black hole is great all the way to the wingtip, nose and tail. Let’s just take a little time NOW and put something there that we can use and be proud of it. Let’s not waist any more time. Bit the bullet and let’s put a TV there at least we know what we are going to see. It has been almost as long as the airplane that I have been hearing all the things it was going to do and nothing yet.

I would like to hear what the rest of you feel about ARNAV. In 1988 I thought ARNAV was going to be #1 in High Tech, I think they are in the same track as the DeLorian. Do you agree?

Have a great Cirrus day.



As far as I can determine, the extent to which the Arnav can display the data from Stormscope, Ryan TCAS, the Shadin fuel/air data computers, or engine date (CHT and EGT indivdually, oil temp, oil pressure, etc.) is unknown.

The Arnav will display the Stormscope data, not sure about the TCAS, but does not do any engine monitoring at present. They were supposed to be working on completing this in October, but I wouldn’t suggest holding your breath.

I asked some time ago about TCAD display on the Arnav and was told that yes, it was something they’d like to do, but it would come after the engine monitoring stuff was there. (This was some time ago that I was told this). Given the time it’s taken for the engine monitoring support, I suspect it will be quite a while before the TCAD display interfaces with the Arnav.

I was planning to add a TCAD and probably interface it to one of the Garmin displays for now, and hope that if/when Arnav supported it, it would be a fairly simple matter to change the display to there.



Boat anchor… that’s the way I see it.

Such a nice area for display of all kinds of things.

I think we need to pool our efforts and tell Cirrus to just make this a large glove box.

It would be different if ARNAV or Cirrus were trying to get it’s full use out of this unit.

We all have been down the road before. If nothing is said, nothing gets done.

Cirrus, get something done NOW or just except the mistake, take the loss, and get something else in that black hole. Everything outside of the big black hole is great all the way to the wingtip, nose and tail. Let’s just take a little time NOW and put something there that we can use and be proud of it. Let’s not waist any more time. Bit the bullet and let’s put a TV there at least we know what we are going to see. It has been almost as long as the airplane that I have been hearing all the things it was going to do and nothing yet.

I would like to hear what the rest of you feel about ARNAV. In 1988 I thought ARNAV was going to be #1 in High Tech, I think they are in the same track as the DeLorian. Do you agree?

Have a great Cirrus day.



At this point, I have to agree. I try to look at CD’s point of view first and given their constraints of having to certify it, I think they’ve done a great job, overall. However, after a year and half since the first delivery, nothing has changed with the ARNAV display. I’ve heard a lot of promisses and after this time, I have to be highly skeptical. It is a shame, but either the display should be maximized to its potential (?) or as you say it removed or replaced with a fully functional unit. (Woor - don’t insult boat anchors: at least they have some good uses :~) .)

To those who want to put TCAS/TCAD onfo on the Garmins, they are really in a terrible location to include in a scan. (Can the 430’s display the TCAD’s?) If ARNAV/CD cannot accomodate, a more expensive but better option would be using the Sandel HSI (as in the '22).



Boat anchor… that’s the way I see it.

Such a nice area for display of all kinds of things.

I think we need to pool our efforts and tell Cirrus to just make this a large glove box.

It would be different if ARNAV or Cirrus were trying to get it’s full use out of this unit.

We all have been down the road before. If nothing is said, nothing gets done.

Cirrus, get something done NOW or just except the mistake, take the loss, and get something else in that black hole. Everything outside of the big black hole is great all the way to the wingtip, nose and tail. Let’s just take a little time NOW and put something there that we can use and be proud of it. Let’s not waist any more time. Bit the bullet and let’s put a TV there at least we know what we are going to see. It has been almost as long as the airplane that I have been hearing all the things it was going to do and nothing yet.

I would like to hear what the rest of you feel about ARNAV. In 1988 I thought ARNAV was going to be #1 in High Tech, I think they are in the same track as the DeLorian. Do you agree?

Have a great Cirrus day.



At this point, I have to agree. I try to look at CD’s point of view first and given their constraints of having to certify it, I think they’ve done a great job, overall. However, after a year and half since the first delivery, nothing has changed with the ARNAV display. I’ve heard a lot of promisses and after this time, I have to be highly skeptical. It is a shame, but either the display should be maximized to its potential (?) or as you say it removed or replaced with a fully functional unit. (Woor - don’t insult boat anchors: at least they have some good uses :~) .)

Thanks, I needed a good laugh. You are 100% correct. What would we do without a good boat ancher, just think, the fish may like it’s graphics…

To those who want to put TCAS/TCAD onfo on the Garmins, they are really in a terrible location to include in a scan. (Can the 430’s display the TCAD’s?) If ARNAV/CD cannot accomodate, a more expensive but better option would be using the Sandel HSI (as in the '22).
