WANTED - SR20 Owner in the Atlanta Area

I am in the process of looking to purchase a SR20, but would like to see and ride in one. If there is a SR20 owner in the Atlanta area, I would love to talk to you , and possibly pay to take a ride. Thank you.

David McGirt
david@mcgirt.net or 334-444-0392


I fly an SR22 from PDK in Atlanta, and would be delighted to take you for a flight in that.

I have a share in the AirShares Elite fractional scheme.

I know that Elite Flight Center (also at PDK) had an SR20 for rental/flight training - I think they still have it …if you wanted to test the SR20 specifically.

email me if you want a ride / contact numbers for EFC or ASE


Thank you for the great offer - I am trying for a SR20 though, if I ride in a 22, well, I might not stick to the budget… hehe.

You must be a smart guy David !


SR20 -220 N262CD April 2

I train often at ASE in Atlanta http://www.eliteflightcenter.com and they do, in fact, have an SR20. It is in good shape for a rental, and I’ve flown it enought to know it pretty well.

I have enjoyed my time in it enormously, and would prefer to fly it over any other non-turbo single. It is fairly pricey to rent $189/hr for non members and $169 for members. Advanced instruction is also not cheap at $55/hour and you can expect a farily good checkout there. A one hour demo flight will set you back about $225.