Use tax

For those of you who are Californians, you will get hit by a state use tax on your sr20 purchase, something like 7.5%. Considering the sr20’s price, this is roughly equivalent to the cost of an installed GNS430 at a premium avionics shop! The (looters?) at the State Board of Equalization are relentless and sooner or later they will track you and your plane down, even if you registered it out of state or under a corporate name. The best time to make arrangements is BEFORE the actual purchase (too bad for me, but there is still hope).

I found the following firm to be very helpful to me for my 260se/stol purchase:

Associated Sales Tax Consultants


Sacramento CA

I spoke with Tom Alston

Good luck!

For those of you who are Californians, you will get hit by a state use tax on your sr20 purchase, something like 7.5%.

Think yourself lucky! In the UK I will be paying 17.5% in tax. I think it might be even higher in some other parts of Europe. :frowning:

You might want to check out the Minnesota sales tax also. You will pay there also. Your home state may allow you to credit all or part of out-of-state sales taxes paid toward their use tax. I researched this some time ago, but felt the outlook was somewhat bleak.

For those of you who are Californians, you will get hit by a state use tax on your sr20 purchase, something like 7.5%. Considering the sr20’s price, this is roughly equivalent to the cost of an installed GNS430 at a premium avionics shop! The (looters?) at the State Board of Equalization are relentless and sooner or later they will track you and your plane down, even if you registered it out of state or under a corporate name. The best time to make arrangements is BEFORE the actual purchase (too bad for me, but there is still hope).

I found the following firm to be very helpful to me for my 260se/stol purchase:

Associated Sales Tax Consultants


Sacramento CA

I spoke with Tom Alston

Good luck!

For those of you who are Californians, you will get hit by a state use tax on your sr20 purchase, something like 7.5%.

Think yourself lucky! In the UK I will be paying 17.5% in tax. I think it might be even higher in some other parts of Europe. :frowning:

Netherlands will be 19% in januari, but i’ve heard you can pay the tax / import the plane wherever you want in Europe.

Luxemburg screws you for only 15%… :-((

From the Duluth News, March 21, 2000 (

“The House tax bill and a separate Senate bill passed Monday would allow out-of-state Cirrus Aircraft customers to pick up their planes in Minnesota and spend up to 10 days in Duluth for training – without paying state sales tax on the airplanes. Cirrus now delivers its planes to most out-of-state customers to avoid the sales tax. Minnesota residents still would pay sales tax on aircraft purchases.”

You might want to check out the Minnesota sales tax also. You will pay there also. Your home state may allow you to credit all or part of out-of-state sales taxes paid toward their use tax. I researched this some time ago, but felt the outlook was somewhat bleak.