As a position holder #469 and checked out on the N137CD, the SR20 of ‘Avia Noord’ flying club in Eelde Groningen, next february I want to do some instrument training in Florida or somewhere else in the U.S. for some weeks and of course I prefer doing that on a SR20. Does anyone of you know a flightschool training on this fantastic plane?
Jan Stevens
Windy City Flyers at Palwaukee airport near Chicago has an SR20 and offers instrument training. I am taking my instrument training there in the SR20. Their telephone number is 847-808-1188 and web page is There is a good motel right next to their office.
As a position holder #469 and checked out on the N137CD, the SR20 of ‘Avia Noord’ flying club in Eelde Groningen, next february I want to do some instrument training in Florida or somewhere else in the U.S. for some weeks and of course I prefer doing that on a SR20. Does anyone of you know a flightschool training on this fantastic plane?
Jan Stevens
Wings Aloft the Flying Club that does all of the new owner training for Cirrus offers a 14 day instrument course in Seattle.
And, Seattle often has real live weather to train IFR in. Potentially a big advantage over sunny Florida.
Wings Aloft the Flying Club that does all of the new owner training for Cirrus offers a 14 day instrument course in Seattle.