Hi All,
I’ve read numerous threads on forums describing the DA40 being an unfair comparison against an SR22, but I don’t see why it’s so unfair. I’m a student pilot looking to purchase an aircraft for personal use, but also one to learn in as I do my IFR training. While doing my research I’ve found more similarities between the aircraft than differences. Currently I’ve done 15hrs in DA-40 aircraft.
I’m debating between a DA-40 G1000 with a few goodies, taking the price to around $200k, and an avidyne SR22 g2 with a few options and a fresh repack is around $200k as well, both aircraft with around the same # of hours. on purchase price alone the SR22 seems to be a much better value for the money. Obviously on a cirrus forum I’ll expect to get more pro-sr22 folks than against, but if anyone moved from a DA40 to an SR22, what was your experience like and do you regret it? additionally, as a very low time pilot am I crazy for thinking of an SR22 so early?
I understand that an SR22 is seen as a more dangerous aircraft than the DA40 both in NTSB stats as well as anecdotal info, but with the remaining hours of my PPL with a cirrus, and a full IFR training in an SR22, does that mostly mitigate the primary issue with SR22 accidents being inadequate training in type? my CFI is an ex-cirrus factory pilot.
My mission is <200nm away airports on the weekends with 3 total adults, once every 6 weeks-ish flights with 4 adults to Seattle (700nm), Tahoe and Vegas (350nm). maybe once or twice ever I plan to do a CA->NY cross country or flying from Miami to the Caribbean, and I’d be fine renting for those trips. I estimate around 100hrs/year flying.
In general it seems like either aircraft will work, with the DA40 being more economical and teh SR22 being more performant, at the expense of running costs. I estimated the SR22 will cost around $100/hr more to operate than the SR22, but would only run for about 2/3rds the number of hours due to the faster airspeed.
lower maintenance and annual inspection costs, no CAPS repack cost
slightly cheaper to purchase, but depending on options this is a wash
around 20% better fuel economy in economy cruise (16nmpg da40 vs 13nmpg sr22)
cheaper everything (insurance, maintenance, overhaul, annuals)
Excellent safety record
G1000 avionics
Cons: -
fuel load with 4 adults is limited
limited ceiling for safely clearing the Sierras
SR-22 G2 non-turbo:
higher useful load
longer range
up to 50% faster cruise speed
CAPS system
potentially better resale value, though that is more of a guess
higher service ceiling, ice protection
Cons: -
More expensive everything (insurance, maintenance, overhaul, potentially hanger). i’m especially worried about higher annual costs.
lower fuel efficiency
significantly worse safety record
higher stall speeds, longer takeoff distance to clear 50’.