Today’s Aero-News.Net carries news of a new AOPA Air Safety Foundation online training module titled S1NGLE PILOT IFR.
It’s a nicely executed online, interactive training module that took me about 20 minutes to do. The quiz questions aren’t all easy - some of the incorrect answers are subtley so; I did not score perfectly! - but at the end, I was rewarded with a Wings certificate.
I took the course and was happy with it. But what I got was a certificate of course completion. The get a Wings certificate I still have to complete airwork signed off by an an instructor and submit both to the FAA Wings program.
Mike, I took this too. Overall, good graphics. Good ideas. Don’t think it was quite comprehensive enough to say “I learned something” except that vacuum pump/autopilot thing. IMHO, I think the Wings program has gotten a bit soft.
Actually I think the autopilot question was badly worded - it should have said something like “Some autopilots depend upon instruments powered by the vacuum system”. I know of no autopilot that is directly connected to the vacuum system. Then maybe I don’t know everything…