Note last paragraph of article out this morning…
FBI Issues Weekend Alert
Phil Brennan
Friday, Sept. 21, 2001
The U.S. and other Western nations are facing new terrorist attacks this weekend, the FBI has warned.
Vital public utilities such as water, gas and electricity, bridges, tunnels and subways have beefed up security measures after being alerted to the possibility of biological, chemical or bomb attacks on Saturday.
The bureau is basing its warnings on recent discoveries, one of which is that five known associates of Tuesday’s hijackers had booked seats on two passenger flights, taking them from Texas to California, in two days’ time.
According to the Knight Ridder news service, the FBI expects more attacks this Saturday. “Yes, we have heard something about September 22, but nothing specific,” an investigative source told the Knight-Ridder.
“We have information that leads us to believe that there could be more attacks very soon. The same murky sources that indicated something might be happening in the weeks before the attacks have indicated something may be happening this weekend,” the source said.
According to Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the New York and Washington suicide strikes were “part of a larger plan with other terrorism acts, not necessarily the hijacking of airplanes.”
Adding credence to the bureau’s fears was the arrest of three airport workers in Detroit after agents discovered handwritten sketches of an airport, aircraft and runways in their house. The men also had a notebook containing information about the American base in Turkey, Alia Airport in Jordan and the American foreign minister, according to legal documents associated with the arrests. The FBI identified the men as Ahmed Hanna, 33, Karim Koubriti, 23, and Farouk Ali-Halmoud, 21, from Morocco and Algeria, all did food service work at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
The were found when the bureau discovered them while looking for the address of Habil al-Marabh, a suspected associate of the World Trade Center hijackers. The men denied knowing him. All three have been charged with conspiracy and having false immigration papers.
In addition to their warnings, the FBI has also issued a watch list of some 223 people who they suspect were associates of the hijackers. The bureau noted that nearly a quarter of the people on that list are pilots.