First PROFESSIONAL student solos in a Cirrus>Aero-News reports that Air Safety Flight Academy today announced that Air Safety student Nathan Kimborowicz of Hingham, MA completed his first solo flight in a Cirrus SR20-G2 after only 19 hours of flight time. ([Report).

The article contains descriptions that are bound to make all Cirrus drivers feel good - like these, from Air Safety president and former airline pilot, Dee Pinkston:

“I feel the advanced systems on the Cirrus, such as Ground Proximity Warning, XM Satellite Weather, and Skywatch offer Air Safety students a large technological edge over other flight academies…”

“As a former airline pilot I can tell you first-hand that Cirrus has more technology built into it than any of the aircraft I used to fly for the airlines.”

Pretty cool stuff!

  • Mike

[Excerpts from ANN articles reprinted with permission]](

Just completed my first solo in N469DA SR20-G2!


Congratulations on sprouting those wings!

What is the difference between a “student” and a “PROFESSIONAL student?” (no irony here, I am asking out of ignorance)


I’m guessing the term here involves a training track aimed at the airlines.

A professional student still lives with his/her parents after the age of 25- ha.

My guess is it meant someone shooting for an ATP


No, its somebody whose profession is – STUDENT

There seems to be an ever increasing number of those these days! [:P]

From 18 years ago. Guy’s probably a wide body captain by now. :laughing:


Wait - was the last commenter earlier today (the one right before your) the same student in the article Mike Radomsky quoted in 2005?