Please use this URL instead of calling the hotel to avoid the operator saying “We can’t find your Group” (even though we told them that it could be under COPA, Cirrus Owners, etc. etc. )
And please also note that subject to availability, the resort will honor the Block Rate three days prior and three days following M16.
Finally, PLEASE ALSO NOTE that we have 1,020 room nights at this rate (approximately 300 three night stays) and that we may not be able to increase our block of rooms. So first come first served.
And again, registering at the Hotel does not register you for the event itself. We hope to have the event registration open early 2Q 2018.
I will check on why the full room selection is not showing. As to the dates, they have allowed for early arrivals which was a problem last year so we had our block start on the 8th. The event ends on the 14th, so the last night our block rooms are available are on the 13th. However, as noted in my earlier post, they will honor the block rate three days prior and three days following our block dates, subject to hotel availability. While it gets a little confusing, we have 1,020 guaranteed room nights at our block rates between the 8th and the 13th. For three days prior and following those dates they will honor the rate if they have rooms available.
Our apologies. Please note (and in response to Scott’s question) the Staff rooms are for the volunteers that work all year on Migration. There are only 6 rooms available at that rate and they will not be offered to Membership.
I hope that answers everyones’ questions. The link should now work as was intended. Sorry for the Snafu.