For all current Cirrus owners, pilots and wanabees, you must read “Free Flight” by James Fallows. He is Atlantic Monthly’s National Correspondent. The book tells the whole story of the development of Cirrus. You will appreciate how much the Klapmeier boys, and their associates, have done for aviation. They are among the few dreamers in aviation who have had the brains and stick-toitiveness to pull off a major milestone in aviation: the development and marketing of a giant step in general aviation. The book also discusses the problems with the airlines, and details the development of the not yet certified Eclipse light jet.
The book is available from the Cirrus Store for a ridiculous price but is available new or used at reasonable prices from, and
Free Flight by SR20 owner, COPA member, and award-winning journalist Jim Fallows is indeed a remarkable book. Every Cirrus owner should have a copy on his or her bookshelf. To read an excerpt and purchase the book, go to’s web site.
Glad you enjoyed the book; thanks for mentioning it.
And for buying it!
I will confess that as someone who makes his living in the world of print, the idea (not expressed by you) that books are too expensive for people who own airplanes is… an interesting insight into human nature. [;)]
Great book however, unlike others, its staying in my bookcase in my FAVORITE room - my mini library. [:)]
Wildly agree! Jim was the first (and best) writer in the wider world to spot the bright new dawn in GA.
just ordered…and I’m not even a pilot.
How about the book written by a Cirrus pilot.
I totally agree - I found Jim’s book while waiting for a flight at one of those crowded airports, and it has re-awakened my lifelong love of flying - I am in the process of getting current again. And my enthusiasm is fully supported by my “civilian” wife, who, after our demo flight in an SR22, having never flown in a small aircraft before and viewing them with the same suspicion as small boats, in which she has had bad experiences, said that she now sees that she will have to get her private licence as well.
I am disappointed that you changed the cover from the mighty Cirrus to the “Hybrid Lancair”. Change is good as Cirrus Design has proven but this is a step backwards. Hopefully you didn’t change the “important” parts of Chapter One. If I find out that that is the case I am going to make you strap on a chute again and it will not be fun!
Happy Flying
Chris Baker
In reply to:
…and most public libraries, for the very reasonable price of, FREE!
This, from the man who signs himself 54414E53544141464C! [;)]
- M.
In reply to:
…and most public libraries, for the very reasonable price of, FREE!
Welcome to the Cheap Bastard Club!
I “borrowed” the copy they had in the lounge area at the Cirrus HQ and returned it (read, but none the worse for wear) the next day.
Good read.
Roger, thanks (and belated thanks for the campy NRA-style logo that I still like using).
Interesting but not unprecedented. In the days before toll-free Flight Service phone numbers, some pilots would refrain from filing VFR flight plans for financial reasons: They didn’t want to have to call FSS after the flight to close the flight plan, since the use of a pay phone would have cost $0.10!
That being said, Scrooge remains my favorite Disney comic book character.
Jim, just be glad you didn’t write a book about Mooneys. You would have sold only one copy, which the Mooney-ites would have passed around at the meetings. [:)]
P.S. I treasure my autographed copy of “Free Flight”.
I bought your book and contend it was VERY expensive. I bought it as a present for my father and he said it was really good and sent it to me to read…Then we each bought an SR22. Please don’t write a book about sailing vessels.
I agree, it is a great book. Thank you for writing it.
You’re welcome! We scriveners must stick together. (I fear that I’ll never be able to write as well as you do. But my physics and astronomy books have lots more pretty color pictures than yours. [:)])
Howdy Bill – I know what you mean. Every month or two I’m hauling a big crate of books down to the local library. I’m all in favor of this form of recycling and glad you put my book (and others) back into circulation that way.
Just bought a hardcover from Amazon. So much for my membership in the cheap bastards club!
Perhaps I could get it autographed at M3?..or sooner?
Michael Spivey, Position Holder SR20G2 September delivery