Recommendations Ground Power & a Tug?

Hello, members.
I’m new owner of an SR22T and I’m seeking recommendations for ground power unit and power tug. What are you using, and your insight ?


Hi Abdo,

Congrats on your new plane! I’m new to the Cirrus site (relatively) and am not quite a Cirrus owner yet. Soon though.

I’ve been researching tugs and currently have a Supertow II. Ironically, not sure it will work as the nose pant might be an issue. Anyway, the point is if you search the site there are A LOT of comments on tugs. That’s what I’ve been doing.

The cliff note is…order a Best Tug B5 with light and options. There’s other good options, but folks really like these and customer service is good.

Safe flying and congrats again.

PS…I am in the hangar business and don’t know of any hangars at Felts. However, if you come over to Eureka Montana, I’ve got you covered.


This can vary depending on your specific needs. The Best Tugs B5 and WhiteLightning with built in BatteryMinder are often recommended. There are many threads on these topics that will provide lots more info.


Hello Abdo, welcome!

This thread is posted in the guest forum, which is not read by all members. I see that you’re signed up as a COPA member, so you can browse and search the entire forum. As others have said, there are lots and lots of threads that will turn up if you search for “tug” and “GPU”.

I will say that I personally have a BestTugs B5 with which I am completely delighted. I have a fairly tight hangar door and the B5 provides very precise control that I really value for moving the plane with precision.

On the GPU side, I use a StartPac ground power unit. I considered the White Lightning, but at the time it was more expensive than the Start Pac plus a stand-alone BatteryMINDer. Also, with the battery minders, they’re specific to the type of battery, so I figured it was a little more future-proof to buy that component separately just in case I ever change batteries.


Thank you very much for the guidance and your Valuebale insight!