Half-share partner sought for second hand  SR20 purchase

First COPA post, and already I’m asking for something…

I know this is a loooong shot, given that I’m in the UK and these forums (fora?) are mainly used by US Cirrus types, but in case anyone local to me is reading this: I am interested in buying a second hand SR20 in partnership with someone and basing it at (or close to) EGLK.

There happen to be a couple of very suitable aircraft available near me at the moment (including one here on COPA) and I need to move fast in order not to miss them.

So. If you are in a similar position (would like to go halves to buy and operate a nice SR20, and could base at EGLK or close) please speak up. Posts on here will reach me by e-mail, apparently.


Mike Matthews


Thanks for the bump. The e-mail bounce worked fine.