CSIP Training PowerPoint

I am going to do CSIP training soon, is there anything in particular I need to know before I go?
Does anyone have PowerPoint presentations which I can look at as a guide for my own?


You should be contacting your regional sales and training managers.

Buy an iFOM from the Apple store. It was just updated and is the encyclopedia of Cirrus flying.

Also, of you’re scheduled for CSIP training someone from Cirrus will reach out to let you know you’ve been set up in their learning portal.

I can tell you this, the factory instructors doing CSIP training are indifferent to your background and experience. If you have not ever flown a Cirrus or have not done a formal transition training with a Cirrus training partner doing so before arriving in Knoxville is a VERY good idea.

I’m not saying it cannot be done going in with no flying or Garmin Perspective experience but the standards are high.


Congrats Jayden on getting a CSIP training slot. I did it five years ago, so someone else newer can chime in. I’m glad I prepped a lot before hand. Sorry - no PPP’s on it. Not knowing your CFI background nor your SR experience, I’ll be basic here. You won’t be spoon-fed. I imagine you’ve studied a lot already. So I’ll just emphasize familiarization with limitations, normal & abnormals, most common CAS, knowing EP memory items and understanding normal checklists with a grasp of flows. Most importantly know the three big systems cold; Engine/Oil/Prop, Fuel and Electrical where you can walk in ready to white board draw the schematics from memory and discuss as you might teach it. My understanding is that you’ll do it all in a Perspective + platform, so know how to FMS the basics; however you’ll have maybe a half day ground session on an Avidyne bench, so study those differences also so you leave dual qual’d. I strongly agree with Chuck Cali; go right seat SR flying with a CSIP to get a feel for all the basic maneuvers as well as most common IPC abnormals. Enjoy the training and have fun!

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Good point John. Your comment about the three big systems got me thinking in grand scale and so I would add there is a fourth big system. And it is the one I most often failed CSIP candidates on. The AFCS. If you’re going to push a button on the autopilot, you best know what to expect.


Thanks for the comments and suggestions!!

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Study hard.

It’s not really “CSIP training”. Treat it as a three day check ride. Sure you’ll learn lots of stuff on the side- but you’re there to prove you’re ready to teach in the Cirrus way in Cirrus aircraft, and to represent the company as you do.

It can be a daunting way to spend a few days. I’ve known some capable instructors who didn’t make it through on their first go.


You need to know and demonstrate Perspective knowledge inside out. I have no idea of your background, but if you haven’t recently flown it, get hold of one and fly with a CSIP.

And most important, join COPA instead of posting on guest forum.


Ditto on Thomas Daniel’s threefold advice. BTW, I’m assuming you’ve already set up your Learning.Cirrusapproach.com account and now studying big time. In it’s Library - Documents, you can download the Garmin Cirrus Perspective + Avionics Pilot Guide to familiarize yourself with the G700 AFCS as Chuck well noted.

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